Glossary of Terms

Below is a List of poker terms/acronyms I have used in my Poker Blog. If you come across anything that you do not understand feel free to tweet me, and I will explain and add it to the list.

3-Bet - This is a term used to most commonly describe the "re-raise" pre-flop.
Example: "My opponent raised to 500, and I made the 3-Bet to 1250."

4-Bet - This is a term used to describe the re-re-raise.
Example: "I raised to 500, Seat 6 then re-raised to 1250, and I 4-Bet to 3000."

Ante or "a" (e.g. blinds at 100/200/25a) - Ante is an amount of chips that every player must put into the pot before the hand starts. It usually is around 10% of the Big Blind, and helps to inflate the pot to prompt more action.

BB - Acronym for Big Blind(s).
Examples: Blinds at 100/200/25a, the BB is 200. or "I had 100 BBs at 100/200 (100x200 = 20,000 chips)".

Brick - Brick (or "to Brick") is a term used to describe when a player misses his/her cards that would win them the hand. Or if a card comes down that is useless to the player(s) and does not change the situation. Examples: "I had to hit an ace to win the hand, but I Bricked".  "The River was a Brick"

c or cc - Acronym for Clubs. Examples: Ac is the Ace of Clubs. KTcc is King Ten of clubs

C-Bet - Continuation Bet. A bet made on the flop, having made the raise before the flop.
Example: "I raised to 500 preflop and the SB and BB called. They both then folded when I made a C-Bet of 750 on the flop."

CO (C/O) - Cutoff. The Cut-off is a position at the table before the flop. If I am in the Cut-off seat I am sitting on the direct right of the person with the dealer button.

Cold  (e.g. Cold call, or cold 4-Bet) - This is a term to describe an action from a player that has not yet been involved in the hand.
Examples: "I raised to 500, The button made it 1250 and the BB then Cold 4-bet to 3500."
"I raised to 500, The button made it 1250 and the BB Cold called."

d or dd - Acronym for Diamonds. Examples: Kd is the King od Diamonds. 78ss is 78 of Diamonds.

EP - Acronym for Early Position. Used to explain the position of a player at the table before the flop is dealt.

Float - Floating (or to float someone) is a term to describe when a player calls a bet or raise from their opponent without having a hand with any value, with the intention of bluffing on a later street (Turn or River).
Example: "I had AQ, and called my opponents bet on the flop of 567, and intended to bluff on the Turn."

Flop - The name of the first 3 community cards that are dealt in the middle of the table after the pre-flop betting action has finished. All players can use these 3 cards, as well as the 2 they are dealt individually to make up their hand. A second round of betting commences when the flop is dealt. The Turn and River follow after.


h or hh - Acronym for Hearts. Examples Jh is the Jack of Hearts. A3hh is the Ace Three of Hearts.

HJ - Hi-Jack -The Hi-Jack is a position a player is in before the flop. If I am in the Hi-Jack seat I am sitting on the direct right of the person with the Cut-Off (two to the right of the dealer button).

IIRC - If I Recall Correctly



LP - Acronym for Late Position. Used to explain the position of a player at the table before the flop is dealt.

Loose - A term to describe a player who plays a lot of hands.

MP - Acronym for Middle Position. Used to explain the position of a player at the table before the flop is dealt.

NIT - A Term used to describe a "tight" player. Example: If a player was playing very few hands then he would be a Nit.

OTB - On The Button. Used to describe the position of a player at the table.

OTF - On the Flop

OTR - On the River

OTT - On the Turn

o or o/s - Acronym for Off-suit. When you have 2 cards of two different suits. Example: Ace of Hearts and King of Spades could be shortened to either AhKs or AKo

PF - Pre-flop - The round of betting before the Flop is dealt.


River - The final (5th) community card that is dealt.

s or ss - Acronym for Spades. Examples: Js is the Jack of Spades. QTss is the Queen Ten of Spades.

Squeeze - To make a Re-Raise after there has been a raise and a call from one or more opponents.
Example: "Seat 1 raised to 500, The Cutoff and the Button called, and I squeezed from the BB to 2000."

Turn - The 4th community card that is dealt. It follows the Flop (and subsequent betting action) and is followed by another round of betting and then the River.

UTG - Under the Gun - A term used to describe the position of the first player to act before the flop. The player to his/her left may be described as UTG+1. Third to act may be described as UTG+2.



x - An Acronym used to describe a card on the flop, turn or river that is irrelevant. Also known as a "Rag". Usually a small card (2 or a 3). Example: I had AQ vs AK on a flop of AQx.